The Message Test Tool is used to send a single push notification or email message to a specific device immediately in order to check that your out of game messaging is correctly configured.


Push Notifications

Use this tool to check that your push notification certificates and keys are correctly configured and any deep link actions in your game are reacting correctly.

Tip: You can enter a userID and press the LOOKUP button to retrieve the push notification token for the player’s device to ensure that you are collecting the token correctly in the game client.

Note: The Lookup Tool is providing tokens/registration IDs pulled from the User Metrics table. This table is updated once a day, therefore if a token or ID is changed the same day that the Lookup Tool is used, the token/ID may not have been updated yet. If that is the case, the Data Mining tool can be used to find the latest token/ID.

The tool will then report if the notification was delivered successfully, and display the notification on your device, or notify you if there was an error.

Email Testing

This tool can also check that your SendGrid account is correctly configured.

Change the Notification Type to SendGrid then enter the email address you would like to send to. Then select the email template from the drop-down list and hit the SUBMIT button.

Note: If the E-mail Template drop-down list does not populate, this indicates that there are no email templates configured on your SendGrid email account, or that you haven’t correctly configured your SendGrid account. Check the Manage Identity and SendGrid Account Settings documentation for more info.

Email templates should use the Legacy Template format.

After pressing the SUBMIT button you will see a delivery report and an email will be delivered to the selected email address.