
There are many similarities between the functionality and integration details of the deltaDNA and UGS Analytics SDKs. Indeed, they both send JSON events, in the same format, to a common backend. However, there are a few differences that need to be considered when migrating from the deltaDNA SDK to the UGS Analytics package.


Data Consistency and Continuity

It is possible to update your game from deltaDNA to Unity UGS Analytics and maintain a consistent and continuous dataset. 


Project Dashboards

Data originating from the deltaDNA SDK can be analyzed in the deltaDNA Dashboard, data from the Unity UGS Analytics SDK can be viewed in the Unity UGS Dashboard. Before updating your game client you should link your deltaDNA game account to a new Unity UGS project. When you do this the data from your deltaDNA SDK and Game will also be visible in the Unity UGS Project Dashboard. 

Please see the  DELTADNA TO UNITY DASHBOARD MAPPING FLOW guide for more info.


SDK Configuration Panel and Endpoints

Install the latest Unity UGS Analytics package, from the Unity Package Manager. This will be version 5.0.0 or above.

The deltaDNA SDK is configured from the DeltaDNA > Configure option in the Unity Editor menu. These settings determine where your deltaDNA SDK uploads events to. The equivalent Unity UGS Analytics SDK functionality can be found in the Edit > Project Settings > Services panel in the Unity Editor. You should select the Unity Organization and Project that you want to send your Analytics data to.

Please see the UNITY ANALYTICS GETTING STARTED GUIDE for more information


User Identity

By default your newly installed Unity UGS Analytics SDK will not know that the player was previously using a deltaDNA SDK. It will therefore try to assign a new, random userID to the player. If this happens you will not have a continuous view of the player in your Analytics reporting and many of your metrics will misbehave. It will look like the player stopped playing and a new player, with advanced state information showed up. 

This scenario can be avoided by telling the UGS Analytics SDK to use the userID that the deltaDNA SDK had been previously using. The deltaDNA SDK would have been using a randomly generated userID or a custom userID that you specified. Either way the previous deltaDNA userID can be retrieved in one of the following two ways

  1. If the deltaDNA SDK is no longer installed
  2. If the deltaDNA SDK is still installed, but not enabled

* Please note that if the game has been uninstalled and reinstalled or if the PlayerPrefs has been cleared, the previous deltaDNA userID will no longer be available.

The new Unity Analytics SDK can then be instructed to use the previous deltaDNA userID by setting it as a custom userID before initializing UGS.

UnityServices.ExternalUserId = userID; 

Please see the UNITY CUSTOM USERID DOCUMENTATION for more info.

Please Note: After following these steps you can and should remove the deltaDNA SDK from your code. You should also make sure the Unity Legacy Analytics SDK is also removed or disabled. Failure to do so would result in multiple SDKs sending data to the same project, which would cause overcounting of MAU and messed up reporting. 


Analytics Events

The analytics event code in your game will need to be updated too, but the changes are very simple.

DeltaDNA simple event example

Unity UGS simple event example


Please see the UGS ANALYTICS CUSTOM EVENT RECORDING GUIDE for more information.


Other Differences

There are other differences between the DeltaDNA and Unity SDKs that you will need to accommodate in your code, notably around starting the SDK and Privacy Opt Ins etc.

Please see the UGS ANALYTICS DOCUMENTATION for more information. The DELTADNA SDK DOCUMENTATION may also provide some information that you want to refer back to.

Please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] or Unity UGS Support if you have questions.