Singular Attribution Setup Guide


Singular attribution events are sent to deltaDNA from the Singular servers as a postback.
Follow the integration method below to integrate Singular attribution data in to your game.

Server Postback Integration Method

1. Integrate the deltaDNA SDK into your game – more information on this process can be found in our SDK documentation pages

2. Add the singularAttribution event to your game on the deltaDNA platform by navigating to your DEV environment and visiting Setup > Manage Events > Create Event and then selecting the singularAttribution template event

3. Integrate the latest singular SDK 

4. You will need to retrieve the deltaDNA userID for your player and use a Singular SDK event to pass it to Singularso that it can be used in their postback to deltaDNA.
The deltaDNA userID can be retrieved from the userID property on the deltaDNA SDK instance

N.B. The deltaDNA SDK userID, whether auto-generated or provided by the game, must be sent as deltadna_user_id in a Singular SDK event for the attribution to be correctly matched to the player. This must only be done on builds of the game integrated against the LIVE environment on the deltaDNA side. Test builds of the game using the dev environment must not set the customer user id since that will result in dev environment users leaking into and polluting the live environment.

5. Configure the deltaDNA postback on your Singular management console.

  1. Login into their Singular UI, navigate to
  2. Search for DeltaDNA in the search box.
  3. To setup event postback rule,
    You will need to enter the <DELTADNA LIVE ENVIRONMENT KEY> from your Game Details page,in to the Singular DeltaDNA Configuration page, then choose the option for “send all in-app events to DeltaDNA” as “All”.Next, Click the “+” to add a new event and select event app event name from the dropdown and enter the event attribute name in the placeholder. (Note: You need to choose the event name and enter attribute name on which you are passing the DeltaDNA user ID to Singular)Finally, hit save and the postback rule will be created for DeltaDNA. 

    For any questions, please feel free to reach out [email protected].

The postback template should look like the following, the value you place in sdk_user_id={EVTATTR:deltadna_user_id} may be different from that shown, depending on the event attribute name you choose to send the the deltaDNA userID to Singular.


In order to comply with Facebook and Twitter’s terms of service all attributions from those sources must be reported simply as ORGANIC and none of the attribution parameters should be included
  • While many of the fields of the singularAttribution event are listed as optional you should always populate all of the STRING based ones, using empty string values if data isn’t available. This is  to ensure that the LAST value of any attribution fields is always correctly set in your user metrics.
  • acquisitionChannel : It is up to you what you populate the acquisition channel parameter, there is no common definition of this parameter across attribution providers and games. This is your highest level attribution parameter. It is used as a Dimension in Slice & Dice and is available as a filter across all your deltaDNA charts. It  is also visible on all events in Data Mining and Direct Access. It should therefore be populated with the most important, highest level, of attribution that you want to track (ask yourself, where do I spend my marketing bucks as this will generally be the level of granularity you want for the acquisition channel).
    Because the acquisition channel is defined as a dimension you shouldn’t populate it with too many distinct values. An acquisition channel list of 12 entries is great to work with but you’ll give yourself headaches if you try and define hundreds of different acquisition channels.Many games will concatenate a few attribution parameters together to form their acquisition channel. E.G <Network>::<Campaign> might return TapJoy :: Halloween Campaign 2014 etc..
  • The acquisition channel parameter is limited to 72 characters long.
  • Data sharing with deltaDNA will need to take into account any agreements you have entered into with other parties. e.g. Facebook