Standard Events

Fourteen standard events are automatically added to your game when it is added to the deltaDNA platform. These “Standard” events drive most of the charts in the dashboards and tend to be used by the majority of games. Some of them are used by the mobile SDK to report back to deltaDNA on Engage Message and Push Notification open rates.


This event should be recorded when a new player registers for the game. If there is no registration involved it should be launched the first time a player opens the game. This must be the first event we receive from a player.


This event should collect information on the device that the game is being played on.


This event should be launched when a player starts to play the game, it should be the first event that is launched within a session.


The levelUp event works in exactly the same way as the achievement event. It is designed to support awards when the player increases their player level.


The transaction event can be used to record a wide variety of transactions in the game. It can track the purchase and spending of real currencies, virtual currencies and items. When tracking real currency In App Purchases the transaction event can also instruct the deltaDNA platform to perform revenue validation checks on your transactions with the App Store. Currency conversion from local currencies to your chosen display currency is handled automatically. This powerful event can be used to track a wide range of transaction types including In App Purchases, spending virtual currencies on in game items, exchanging items to receive other items, auctions etc..


The missionCompleted event is triggered if a player successfully completes a mission.
If a player succeeds in completing a mission they can be rewarded, this reward can be given as money (either real or virtual), items or a combination of all three.


The missionFailed event is triggered if a player fails to complete a mission successfully.


The missionStarted event is triggered at the start of each mission and records the mission name and a unique ID for the mission.


The uiInteraction event should be recorded when the player interacts with parts of the interface, specifically as they press buttons or links to view features and navigate around. This event is used to track user journeys around the interface to help determine if parts of the interface or features are not obvious enough
When a button or link to a specific feature exists in multiple locations it can be valuable to track the location of the button that was used. The UILocation is the position in the game where the User Interface object is located.


The options event records players changing options or settings in the game.


The engageResponse event is automatically generated by the deltaDNA platform to record the response sent to the game from an A/B Test or Engage Targeting. It should not be sent in from the game.


The notificationSent event is automatically recorded by the deltaDNA platform when a push notification is sent to a player.


The notificationOpened event should be sent by the game when a push notification launched it or a notification was received while the game is in the foreground.

Event Templates

116As well as the 7 standard events there are a further 50 event templates that can be added to your game.


The achievement event provides support for achievements within a game. The game registers an achievement and is able to record currency (both virtual and real) and items based on gaining the achievement.


This event should be launched when a player creates a new character.


The characterDeleted event is triggered when the player removes a character from the game.


The characterUpdated event is triggered when the player updates a characters core information, additional fields can be added to the event to track any changes deemed necessary.


The engagement event can be used to track any player behaviours that occur as the result of an targeted campaign or A/B test but are supplementary top the original conversion event.


The featureUnlocked event is an event that will track whenever something like a level, item, badge, level, skills or anything else that is locked of us unlocked.


This event should be launched when the user takes an action to exist the game.


This event should be launched when a player receives a gift from another player. The Unique tracking number is used to match a giftSent event with a giftRecieved event.


This event should be launched when a player sends a gift to another player. the Unique tracking number is used to match a giftSent event with a giftRecieved event.


A group is a collection of players that have joined together under a common name. Groups have a single founder and being a member of a group will often provide additional functionality. This functionality can include messaging between group members, trading and gifting.


The handAction event is a poker specific event used to track the betting rounds within a hand of poker.


The result of a hand of poker for a specific player


The help event records players entering help screens in a game.


The inviteReceived event tracks an invite received by a user and if the user accepts that invite.


The inviteSent event tracks an invite sent from a game to a set of users.


This event should be launched when a player does something with an item or stack of items. e.g. When a Player picks up an item from the ground or loot. When a player drops and item from their inventory or a player uses an item from their inventory.


This event should be launched when a player acquires an item, either being gifted it or picking it up.


The joinTable event is a poker specific event used to track when a player joins a table.


The matchDrawn event is triggered at the end of each multiplayer match when a player draws the match.


The matchLost event is triggered at the end of each multiplayer match when a player loses the match.


The matchObjective event is used to record each game objective and related targets on the map.


The matchStarted event is triggered at the start of each multiplayer match.


The matchSummary event is triggered at the end of the multiplayer match and is used to record game specific summary information about the match.


The matchWon event is triggered at the end of each multiplayer match when a player wins the match.


The messageReceived event tracks the message has been received by the intended user.


The messageSent event tracks a message that has been sent by a user. The message itself is not recorded, simply the fact it has been sent.


The missionAbandoned event is triggered if a player decided to abandon a mission to either try a different mission or retry the current mission.


When a player is credited with assisting another player or team mate (in the defeat of an opponent).


This event should be launched when a players is defeated within the game. e.g. when the player dies or loses a duel, match or battle


Event should be recorded when the player is healed


This event should be recorded when a player kills an opponent


This event should be triggered when a player spawns. Add application specific custom parameters.


This event should be launched when a player looks at a products description, or views an item. This is designed to capture a players interest within an item before purchase.


This event should be launched when a player accesses the shop.


This event should be lauched when a player upgrades one of their characters skills.


This event should be launched when a player uses a skill in game e.g. player casts fireball, player uses novabomb, player uses giant swing.


The social tracks behaviour that is social and allows an indication of the amount of social activity a user is undertaking.


The socialReward event works in a similar structure to achievements and levelUp. The event is triggered when a user undertakes a social activity in the game, such as posting to Facebook or Twitter. The game will record this and often rewards the player which is recorded in the event.


A summary of a slot spin


This event should be launched when a player fills out and sends a support request



Any of the “Standard” or “Template” events above can be extended with your own parameters and you can add your own new events and parameters.